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o Usually
referred to as Areca palm, but has also been called yellow palm,
butterfly palm, yellow butterfly palm, cane palm and golden feather
o The
arecanut palm is the source of a common chewing nut, popularly known as betel
nut or Supari.
o India is
the largest producer of arecanut and at the same time
largest consumer also.
o Major
states cultivating this crop are Karnataka (40%),
Kerala (25%), Assam (20%), Tamil Nadu, Meghalaya and West Bengal.
o Originated
in Madagascar and is widely grown outdoors in the tropics.
Growing Condition:
o The
cultivation of arecanut is mostly confined to 28º north and south of the
o It grows
well within the temperature range of 14ºC and 36ºC and is adversely affected by
temperatures below 10ºC and above 40ºC.
o Ideal
rainfall – 750 mm to 4500 mm/ Irrigation
o The
largest area under the crop is found in gravelly laterite soils of red
clay type. It can also be grown on fertile clay loam soils.
Sticky clay, sandy, alluvial, brackish and calcareous soils are not suitable
for arecanut cultivation.